Melba and Ariseli though ye be
loving sisters thou be sundry
as emerging branches
in converse directions
from the tree that sprung ye
Melba and Ariseli
having in common but thine
goodness and spirit of kindliness
so unaware of envy or jealousy
for innate from thine pedigree
is only what be human integrity
Melba and Ariseli like land that bore ye
of majestic Inca who be no more
as cultures passed to be present Peru
such is of ye spirit in thee my beauty
Melba and Ariseli
noble be thine race
shown on what be face
for adoration by all who be bold
As thine ancestors of days of old
Melba and Ariseli
as jungle be ye wild
from colorful robust nature
in thine Amazon fruit
of sweetness and fertility
that lends but grandness
to thee oh, female of
deity and sexuality
Melba and Ariseli
strong by ye in thine
will that come down upon me
as tempest from those Andes
that stand so high in that
land to empires long gone
for I to thee gaze
naw save what be admiration
of my worship
Melba and Ariseli
thee be abundant in all that
be goodness as thine fatherland
rich from Amazon to
ocean dubbed Pacific
for in ye both there be diversity
as in thine nation of mountain high,
lands of green and shores of arid gold
Melba and Ariseli
thee will mark thineself
upon my love always
as lines upon desert
from art of the Nazca
never to erase
neither by whim of wind nor time
for thou arst my lovely ladies
of Peru
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