Any packet of seed labeled "Zinnia" will produce a reasonable facsimile of the flower we know by that name.
But what fantastic flower might bloom from a packet of seed marked "Golden Flower of the Incas" or "South African Veldt Flower" or "Star of Argentine"? Anything can happen in such a planting adventure and sometimes does. Here is the spice of gardening!
In our West Virginia garden we tried out as many new plants as space and time allow. Come what may, we are ever ready to try again, for we have found the surest way to avoid gardening doldrums is to grow something new and different each year.
Our most recent adventure had all cur neighbors exclaiming, "What on earth are those gorgeous flowers?" "Cockscomb," we replied. Wait a moment before you shrug your shoulders and turn up your noses; you probably remember only grandmother's dull, dreary dried stuff. But even Chanticleer himself cannot boast such plumage as these flowers have. Even the foliage is happy and bright. Our proud beauties were the new hybrids - Maple Gold, Rose Beauty and others - grown alongside the feathered Celosia plumosa - Fire Feather, Golden Feather and others.
Such an array of colors and shapes all summer long! Slender miniature combs, like those of some Spanish senorita, waved on slim stems. Thick plumy spikes of brightest scarlet spired and curved above scarlet-flushed foliage. Graceful plumes of startling cerise bloomed beside cattail sprays of dark maroon. The "Golden Cock's" plumage was indeed rivaled by the brilliance of these orange, gold, chartreuse and lemon "feathers."
All our cockscombs were magnificent as cut flowers. We preferred to enjoy them as fresh flowers rather than save them to dry for winter bouquets. We cut them as fast as they appeared, saying only enough for a spectacular display outdoors. Pleasing combinations of celosia alone or with other flowers seemed almost endless. One unique arrangement in shades of red and rose combined varied forms - fans, plumes, combs and velvety beads - in an off-white urn. Another striking arrangement was of scarlet celosia plumes and white cactus dahlias with dark green foliage. One of our earlier adventuresówith Star of Argentine (Oxypetalum coeruleum)óproved such a happy one that this plant has been a favorite ever since. No special care was given the seedlings, which appeared soon after sowing in early May and began to bloom only a few weeks later. Frosty gray green foliage, attractive even without bloom, forms a tidy, bushy plant only a foot or so in height. The brilliant blue flowers, like bits of summer sky, face upward and outward. The starry inch-wide blossoms on graceful sprays are borne on arching stems from late June until fall.
You may know Star of Argentine by another common name - tweedia, Star of the South or Southern Star. We found it resented interference and was best planted where it was to flower. The plants may be thinned to produce more symmetrical growth. Star of Argentine is especially suitable for edgings and rock gardens and may also be grown as a pot plant.
There are many forms of window treatments, which have been in use for thousands of years. Their need was sensed thousands of years ago by cavemen who felt the necessity to block out the harsh rays of the sun, of course with their limited options, they used hides. As time elapsed, animal hides gave way to curtains. Human nature doesn't permit us to be content with what we possess, or with what we have accomplished, and hence the invention of Blinds which replaced curtains in a way that curtains replaced hides.
As we already mentioned, curtains are a thing of the past, however are still popular among some people. The first applications of curtains were to shield people from the harsh rays of the sun, and extreme weather that prevailed outside the house. Cave dwellers would place treated and often decorated animal hides as a deterrent to would be intruders, and to protect themselves against storms and extreme weather. American Indians also used curtains for the aforementioned reasons, and they also appreciated the increase in privacy. The Incas of Latin America are probably the first people to use fabric to make curtains.
There is speculation that they were invented somewhere in the tropics, with most signs leading towards Asia due to the extensive use of bamboo. In places such as Asia the need was for something that could filter out the suns rays, while still allowing breeze to enter for circulation. Mostly made out of wood or and an aluminum frame they are manufactured in horizontal or vertical kinds.
Probably the most popular kind of window treatment today, Venetian blinds are stylish, adaptable, and most of all practical and convenient. They can be adjusted to control lighting, and of course privacy.
Window shades
Window shades are a one approach method to window treatments. Due to their popularity, there are various options open to consumers. Mostly made out of bamboo or fabric they provide for light filtration and control of privacy. Another noteworthy utility shades provide is insulation, honeycomb shades use air pockets within their fabric to provide great insulatory benefits; thus saving on cooling and heating bills.
Swags and Cascades
Swags of fabric can be combined in a decorative fashion, and rolled onto a decorative pole. Swags can provide a great deal of energy to our room, as they can be either given a formal look, or a rough casual look. Swags are typically flanked by cascades on both sides.
Valences are decorative items, and don't really provide any value other than their cosmetic effect. The primary objective while using a valence is to shadow mounting hardware which can make an otherwise chic window look a slightly unfinished.
Cornices are padded and shaped like a box, and are mostly covered in fabric and trim. Cornices are mounted above windows to conceal mounting hardware and make the fixture of choice look more refined.
In 2001 archaeologist were able to date the oldest known Pyramid in the world to right at 5021 years old. The unusual aspect of this finding was that this Pyramid complex was in Peru built by the Inca. It's believed that the oldest Egyptian Pyramids were not built for another 400 years. China's Great Pyramid southwest of Xi'an is dated to around 2000 B.C..
I can understand the concept of the Pyramid building knowledge and all that entails migrating regionally. From Peru to Central America to the Aztec's, from China to Cambodia etc..Its hard to fathom travel between Peru & Egypt in 3000 B.C. but it must have happened.
Building a Pyramid is not something we would do naturally to start a civilization, right? On Gilligans Island (stay with me) did the Professor get with the Skipper and Mary Ann and plan a Pyramid building party out of coconuts? Absolutely not... Yes, their main concern was to get off the Island but you know the Professor wanted to enlighten these knuckle heads at some point.
Now one of the great mysteries of all time is the Ouroboros. This is the snake biting (or swallowing) its tail. This snake biting its tail symbol is known as a symbol of regeneration, if you will. Both an end and a beginning. This Ouroboros symbol is etched on the walls of Pyramids in Egypt and in Central America. The Norse Myth told of this Ouroboros and the Chou Dynasty (1200 B.C.) left artifacts of the Ouroboros in the Kings tomb. Even the Aboriginal people of Australia had/have this sacred symbol. In Alchemy the Ouroboros symbolizes Purifying. Purifying is a very appropriate way to view this symbol.
The Mayan believed that when the "snake bites its tail," that we will have ran our 26,000 year cycle and our Sun will rise lining-up with the center of our Galaxy once again. We now know that the Mayan calculations were correct. Unusual is not the word I would use to describe the Mayans knowledge. The snake will bite its tail and purify us on 12-21-2012. This will be a period of world-wide growth & purifying for a higher consciousness, both as a people and individually. For those trying to hold on to their material world around them? Bad hair day for sure.
How did the Mayan calculate this great Truth of the Ages, when they had yet to discover the wheel? I personally don't believe they did. How did the Mayan calculate their calender which is over 100 times more accurate than the Gregorian calender we use today? Again, I don't believe they did. They didn't have the capacity to calculate the Great Truth of the Ages.
The foundation of Taoism was said to have come from Shen Zhou (Spirit Ships.)
Someone with these Great Truths travelled to Central America and taught the Mayan elders & priest these Great Truths OR was it total happenstance by the Mayan? Someone showed them the "pre-history" knowledge that was known before the last deluge/destruction, when the snake bit its tail, 26,000 years ago, the last Purifying. That's my take on how the Mayan had possession of this knowledge.
I've left out a large piece of this puzzle I'll now share with you. In the Maya writings they describe a feathered serpent named Quetzalcoatl that brought great knowledge to the Mayan people. The Egyptians also had the feathered serpent glyphs and similar stories as the Maya. The Phoenix, hawks and eagles have always represented intelligence in esoteric circles, since recorded history anyway. The serpent, represented as a snake or dragon (in Egypt it was the snake and/or the alligator) also represented intelligence.
One side bar.....In medieval times, during the Crusades in Europe, the wise men of the region would live in the forest, Merlin type figures. A man would leave the comforts of the village to find these wise men to obtain Truth. They would tell the children that they were leaving to "slay the dragon." Its been said they wanted to "eat the heart of the dragon." Gaining all the wise mans knowledge. After some period of time the knowledge seekers would receive all they had come for and returned back to the village in victory. Telling the children fables that they understood. Now, back to the Maya.
The Mayans would walk around with artificial wooden noses that made their noses seem larger, (strange but true.) Was this because the individual that exported knowledge to them around 1200 B.C. had a large nose? Many experts today believe this to be true. The Inca of Peru had large noses but didn't have half the knowledge the Mayan had when the Spanish reached the shores of Central America. Who was this Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent? Were these all just chance happenings of the ancient world, or not?
Melba and Ariseli though ye be
loving sisters thou be sundry
as emerging branches
in converse directions
from the tree that sprung ye
Melba and Ariseli
having in common but thine
goodness and spirit of kindliness
so unaware of envy or jealousy
for innate from thine pedigree
is only what be human integrity
Melba and Ariseli like land that bore ye
of majestic Inca who be no more
as cultures passed to be present Peru
such is of ye spirit in thee my beauty
Melba and Ariseli
noble be thine race
shown on what be face
for adoration by all who be bold
As thine ancestors of days of old
Melba and Ariseli
as jungle be ye wild
from colorful robust nature
in thine Amazon fruit
of sweetness and fertility
that lends but grandness
to thee oh, female of
deity and sexuality
Melba and Ariseli
strong by ye in thine
will that come down upon me
as tempest from those Andes
that stand so high in that
land to empires long gone
for I to thee gaze
naw save what be admiration
of my worship
Melba and Ariseli
thee be abundant in all that
be goodness as thine fatherland
rich from Amazon to
ocean dubbed Pacific
for in ye both there be diversity
as in thine nation of mountain high,
lands of green and shores of arid gold
Melba and Ariseli
thee will mark thineself
upon my love always
as lines upon desert
from art of the Nazca
never to erase
neither by whim of wind nor time
for thou arst my lovely ladies
of Peru
Es el tour que ofrece la Agencia de Viajes THE PERU TRAVEL SCRL , que esta diseñado para las expectativas mas peculiares donde podrá apreciar la devoción del hombre Andino hacia su Cultura y su fusión religiosa. Venga y descubra una cultura milenaria en Conserving the environment. Preserving the native cultures. Developing sustainable tourism in Peru. For over 30 years, Inkaterra Hotels has pioneered and promoted sustainable tourism in Peru. With the Inkaterra Luxury Hotel Machu Picchu in the heart of Andean cloud forest, and Reserva Amazonica Hotel, on the banks of the Madre de Dios River in the Amazonian forest, Inkaterra Peru Hotels has introduced many thousands of people to the natural wonders and the indigenous cultures of Peru. Each year Inkaterra Cusco Hotels hosts more than 65000 travelers providing authentic nature experiences in Cusco; while rescuing, presenting and showcasing Peru´s culture andnature for the world. As a result of its long history as a world leader in sustainable development, Inkaterra Peru Hotels now receives support from the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group, the United Nations' Global Environmental Facility, and the National Geographic Society. Inkaterra Cusco Hotels is currently expanding in other areas of Peru. Re-live a privileged tradition. Inkaterra Hotels presents Cusco's first luxury boutique hotel, reflecting a privileged mélange of culture and tradition. Meticulously restored. A colonial manor house —perhaps the first Spanish construction in Cusco city built over Inca complex -and later occupied by the conquistadores of Peru, and their descendants. Eleven suites surround a sumptuous courtyard, where the patina of time is tastefully preserved ...
Romanian Music Video singer singers love man woman guy girl romanians song Romania - Lyrics : Refren: Unde cauti tu, unde cauti tu iubirea, Nu stii ca e aici ? Unde cauti tu, unde cauti tu iubirea ? I: Ea inca ma iubeste aproape cat te iubesc eu pe tine Cam cat il iubesti tu pe el. Ea inca nu stie ca nu mai stii nimic de mine Crede ca-i totul la fel. Am fost pe la ea aseara sa imi aduc aminte cum uitam de noi. Si stii ce mi-a spus intr-o doara, Stii ce mi-a spus ? Mi-a spus asa : Refren(x3):.. II: Imi iau chitara dar numai ca o aud pe ea Incearca sa imi schimbe directia, dar eu o aud pe ea, Eu o aud pe ea, eu o aud pe ea cum spune: Refren(x3):.. III: Ea inca ma asteapta aproape cat te astept eu pe tine Zi de zi, de zi, de zi, de zi, de zi... Am fost pe la ea aseara sa imi aduc aminte cum uitam de noi. Si stii ce mi-a spus intr-o doara, Stii ce mi-a spus ? Mi-a spus asa : Refren(x6):.. Ea inca ma iubeste...