Quinoa is referred to as the "little rice of Peru" and the Incas would call it the "mother of all grains". This super food is technically not a grain as it actually belongs to the same family as spinach. It is loaded with protein and much lighter than other grains. Some people substitute quinoa for rice, pasta, oats and other grains. I can't blame them because it tastes good, fills you up and it offers great benefits to the body.
Following quinoa instructions for preparing and cooking is not difficult at all. One thing you don't want to miss though when preparing it is rinsing it well. A lot of first timers complain about how bad quinoa tastes. Yeah it tends to be so bitter if you do not rinse it well.
Place the grains in a strainer or a cheesecloth and place under running water for a few minutes. I usually rinse mine for 4 minutes or until the water does not come out sudsy anymore. This is one of the most important quinoa instructions that you have to follow to remove saponin. This is actually the substance that keeps the birds from eating the crop.
To cook the grains, the usual ratio that most people use is 1 cup of quinoa is to 2 cups of water. You can use a rice cooker so it will be easier, you'll know it's cooked when the water is fully absorbed. If you are using a saucepan, cooking time is approximately 15 minutes. You can mix quinoa with just about anything and you can browse various recipes online. Make sure you follow the correct quinoa instructions to get the results and taste that you want.
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