There is much debate as to what is appropriate to use in sharing time. The church emphasizes that the items used should generally be produced by the church. However let's not get lost in the policy and lose sight of the principle behind it. The principle behind these guidelines are thrift, teaching pure doctrine, and keeping the program simple. I don't think that if you decide to use materials that are not church produced by the church or other LDS primary art you are going to lead the children astray. However, we should try to stick to the guidelines the church gives us and when the spirit tells us to try something else we go for it.
The best thing to do to follow this guideline is make sure you check the church's website, your ward meeting house library, your primary closet and the distribution center (if you have one nearby). This will help you be able to select the right artwork without digging too far into your own pockets. Being thrifty helps everyone.
When you select a piece of LDS primary art, you should choose art that will bring the spirit, and the best way to bring the spirit is by teaching true doctrine. You might also ask yourself if the piece of artwork is really needed or if you could use another example. It is similar to the council the church gives to those serving a mission. They recommend only using scriptures to bring the spirit into the discussion and not to prove a point. Many missionaries will show scriptures from the Bible trying to prove that the church is true. Let's not do the same thing with the artwork we show and use it to bring the spirit and not prove a point.
The LDS church also encourages us to keep thing simple, probably for more reasons than one. Keeping things simple allows for the spirit to teach instead of the art. We should prepare content in the lessons that will help us be guided by the spirit.
Is that to say that you should not use other artwork or media that is not produced by the church? The answer is no, we can use many examples, art and other media. We just need to begin with what the church offers to start, and if the spirit dictates we can use other things. We can use other things if the purpose of using them is to bring the spirit into our sharing time. The most important thing to remember is your intent. If you question whether a piece of LDS primary art is appropriate or not you should consult with your primary president and ward bishopric. The best thing you can do for your primary is look for ways to bring the spirit into your meeting and everything else will fall into place as you are prayerful.
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